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Krystal Flores
Math Teacher
High School
(608) 355-3940 Ext. 2330
Terra Freeman
Family & Consumer Education Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2213
Kayree Funmaker
Native American Liaison
High School
Seth Gard
Science Teacher
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext.2127
Rachel Genthe
Special Education Paraprofessional
High School
Shelly Gillmore
Online Coordinator, CTE K-12 Curriculum
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2325
Darin Glotz
Social Studies Teacher
Baraboo High School
608-355-3930 Ext. 2309
Marcie Gratz
School Counselor
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2030
Angelica Greendeer
Native American Liaison
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2306
Susan Grogan
Alternative Education Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2773
John Gunnell
Alternative Education Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2772
Bryanna Hampton
Special Education Teacher
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2116
Carol Hartmann
Family & Consumer Education Teacher
High School
608-355-39360 Ext. 2214
Steve Hess
Science Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2125
Marty Hickey
Business Education Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2323
Mia Hillebrand
Agriculture Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2132
Wendi Holloway
English Teacher
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2160
Dawn Hughes
Food Preparer
High School
Griffin James
Band Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2135
Katherine James
Choir Teacher
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2134