Illness Management Protocols
Technology Services
All districts in the state of Wisconsin are required to have in place an Education for Employment (E4E) program. The purpose of this program is to prepare elementary and secondary pupils for employment, to promote cooperation between business and industry and public schools, and to establish a role for public schools in the economic development of Wisconsin. The purpose of Education for Employment programs is to do all of the following:
Prepare elementary and secondary pupils for future employment.
Ensure technological literacy.
Promote lifelong learning and good citizenship.
Promote cooperation among business, industry, labor, post secondary school, and public schools.
Establish a role for public schools in the economic development of Wisconsin.
In the fall/winter of 2014, a group of school board members, administrators, teachers, support staff, parents, students and community members collaboratively produced our district’s strategic plan through hours of guided consensus building activities. Our Strategic Plan outlines a commitment to continuous improvement in a variety of key areas.
Currently, the four strategic directions for the district are Community Partnerships, Modernized Community Campus, Personalized Learning, and Maximizing Potential of Learners and Educators. Sub-groups of the Strategic Planning Committee continue their work on these four strategic directions by developing yearly goals and reporting to the Baraboo School District Board of Education each quarter. Sub-group goals directly connected to Academic and Career Planning and Education for Employment are outlined below.
2017-2018 E4E Goals
Onboard and develop deep level of engagement partnerships with five community businesses/service agencies
Deepen partnerships with local youth-based organizations to enhance educational opportunities for students
Research and implement a senior exit interview portfolio process with the use of Career Cruising
Ensure student (6th-12th) development of Academic and Career Plans
Ensure full-scale implementation of Career Cruising in grades 6-12
2016-2017 E4E Goals
Onboard & develop deep level engagement with five community businesses
Create student opportunities at each level & content area to engage in community/service learning
Facilitate district-wide parent education evenings focused on identified student needs
Connect student use of Career Cruising to an annual district-wide career fair for 11th-12th grade students in collaboration with local businesses and educational institutions
Introduce 6th-12th grade students to Career Cruising
Develop and Implement Academic and Career Plans for students in 6th-12th grade
Baraboo Community Classroom Connection (BCCC) The Baraboo School District Strategic Plan includes expanding community partnerships as one of our top priorities. At the elementary level, we are entering our fifth year of the Baraboo Community Classroom Connection project. The BCCC concept matches each elementary classroom with a community business or service provider. We have established approximately 60 partnerships with the BCCC each of the past 6 years.
Additional Activities: Elementary Career Fair, Counseling Services, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Advanced Learner Options, Service Learning
Career Cruising Course Students in 6th grade will use the Career Cruising program to help develop interests, skills and aspirations as they explore various career options. Students will begin to create an Academic Career Plan and develop targeted career, school and life goals.
Additional Activities: Academic & Career Planning Portfolio, Counseling Services, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Advanced Learner Options, Project Lead The Way, 4 Year Education Planning
Academic & Career Planning Portfolio, Sophomore Planning Conferences, High School Career Fair, Counseling Services, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Advanced Learner Options, Alternative Diploma/Graduation Programs, Advanced Placement Courses, Youth Apprenticeships, Work-Based Learning, Youth Options Courses, Dual Enrollment, Project Lead The Way, Job Shadowing, College & Work Site Visits, Volunteer Opportunities, Armed Forces Representatives, College Representatives, Industry-Recognized Certification, ACT Preparation
An ongoing process to actively engage students to:
develop an understanding of his or her self
create a vision of his or her future
develop individual goals
prepare a personal plan for achieving the vision and goals
ACP is intended to equip students and their families with the tools necessary to make more informed choices about postsecondary education and training as it leads to careers.
Post Secondary Preparations Checklist Helping High School 11th and 12th grade students plan for college.
Last Updated: 10/31/19