School Safety
Welcome to the School District of Baraboo School Safety Resources page. You will find a wealth of resources regarding the safety of our schools and helpful information for parents/guardians to use with their respective children.

Speak Up , Speak Out Wisconsin
When you, a friend, or the community needs help, you can make it happen. Speak up and speak out by reporting a tip! The Speak Up, Speak Out Resource Center will respond quickly and confidently to make sure we can get help to you or to someone who is hurting, struggling, or in danger.
If you feel unsafe or know of someone who feels unsafe, you can report it using the Speak Up Speak Out form.
People have used it form to report:
Bullying, Harassment, or intimidation at school
Bullying, Harassment, or intimidation outside of school
Cyberbullying (Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Text Messaging, Instant Messaging, etc)
Fights, drugs, alcohol, or weapons at school
Friends who talk about hurting themselves.
All entries made are confidential. Persons completing this form may remain anonymous.
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